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All People Are Tax People by Rich Rhodes

… except, well … when they aren’t. Or when they have a question. Or when they have to deal directly with the IRS (yikes). Or when they have any kind of complications in their return. Or … I could go on, but you get the point.

The Super Bowl is behind us (congrats KC and coach Andy Reid), which means that the biggest ADVERTISING event of the year is also behind us. One of my favorites was the MC Hammer “Can’t Touch This” Cheetos ad, but I’m also kind of a throwback, so, there it is.

And, of course, you see the big brand tax softwares pouring millions into their ads for the game, as usual. (Makes you wonder where they get their millions. Oh, that’s right — on the backs of normal Cleveland taxpayers. But I digress.)

Yes — I am not an unbiased observer of such things. These ads promote our “competition”. Though, truth be told, we get more Cleveland clients who were frustrated software users the previous year than from almost any other source. (So: keep spending those millions, big brands!)

But bias aside, I do find it funny, the messaging: “All people are tax people! (But we also have a fleet of CPA’s on call that you can wait in line to talk to because it’s actually not true that all people are tax people, so we have really good help for you once you figure out that not all people are tax people.)”

How about this: you let US be your “tax people” and you just sleep like a baby, knowing that every possible legal, ethical and bottom-line-saving deduction is deployed on your behalf.

That sounds better, yes or yes?

Moving on — because I also want you to understand that we would like to be even more than just your “tax people”. We want to walk with you through whatever life throws your way.

So, I have thoughts.

All People Are Tax People by Rich Rhodes

“If you focus on results, you will never get change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” – Jack Dixon

Here’s an exercise worth doing, especially now that we’re here in tax time.

Get a piece of paper and make a list of all the things you want to do during your lifetime — no matter how crazy or undoable some of those things might seem. If you want to go on an African safari and become a famous gorilla researcher, then write it down. If you want to sip coffee at a Left Bank café in Paris, then by all means, put it on your list.

Include all the seemingly mundane things you want to do, too. Do you want to spend more time with your children, your spouse, or your parents? Write it down. Don’t hold back. Be as wild and daring as you want to be. Let yourself dream big.

Once you have finished the above exercise (and not necessarily in the same sitting) take another piece of paper and ask yourself, “If I had a million dollars in the bank that was exclusively for me — and I had no responsibilities and knew I would not need the money in the future — how would I choose to spend a perfect day?”

Maybe you want to write a novel, talk to a friend, or own a ranch and raise goats. Whatever it is, write out your perfect sort of day. These are not necessarily the big event things you want to experience, but your idea of your perfect day of living. Again, don’t hold back.

People are often surprised at how powerful these two exercises are.

How do they help you?

They help you articulate your ACTUAL big dreams. They help you see clearly where your priorities reside. And they help you see how far away you are from, or how close are you to, your dreams and your more ideal daily existence.

And once you know that, then you can lay out a plan that lets you use your precious time for what you really want in life.

This can be really fun, if you let it be so. Shut off your cynicism, take fifteen minutes … and send me an email through the link at the top of the page about your experience with it.

I’d love to help you formulate a financial plan to get there.

And, of course, let’s talk about this during our tax meeting. Because however we get there … it will be taxed.

So, let’s minimize that, shall we?



Rich Rhodes

(330) 225-3928

Hinckley Tax Service

Rich Rhodes, EA

Published by
Rich Rhodes, EA

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