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Settle IRS Debt | Cleveland's Tax Resolution Experts | Hinckley Tax Service

Tax Problem Resolution

Tax Problem Resolution

You’ve got a friend in the tax business. Let us be your go-to for your any tax resolution needs you may have. From IRS wage garnishment protection to helping you get “Innocent Spouse” protection, we have the experience you need.

What our Clients are saying

Mr. Rhodes takes the pain out of tax season. Very thorough and knowledgeable about the current tax laws. I’ve trusted him with my complicated filings for years and he has never let me down.

Michelle M.

A Strategy For Cleveland Taxpayers With A Higher Than Expected Tax Bill

Taking a look around the world these days, and where things seem to be headed...But our heads are high here at Hinckley Tax Service because we worked our tails off for our Cleveland clients this year. We helped a bunch of people save a ton on their taxes -- with...

Rich Rhodes’ Four Keys To Focus And Building Momentum in 2021

It seems so long ago (it was only last week) that we were cueing the fireworks and celebrating leaving 2020 in the rearview.But after all of the events of the past week, it seems wise that we might adjust to the fact that the world around us is not what it might have...

What Cleveland Landlords And Tenants Should Know About The CDC Eviction Stay

Floating under the radar during so much NOISE the past couple weeks ... the CDC announced a halt to evictions for renters, and that starts THIS WEEK.I have some guidance today for you about what that means (and what it doesn't), but a couple other things first, before...

Understanding Your FICO Score by Rich Rhodes

We're already a week into June, and our timing still feels askew because of the extended deadline ... but we're here, and we're still in your corner for all things tax and financial.In fact, I want to do a fairly deep dive on a very pertinent (to many) topic ... but...

Helping Cleveland Residents Understand the Purpose of Life Insurance

As the old joke goes, the only two guarantees in life are death and taxes.In these updates, I obviously spend a lot of time talking about taxes.And these past 12 months, no matter how things have landed for those of you in or near Cleveland ... the other part of that...

Focus Training For Folks In Cleveland

Now that we're into June, it really does feel like summer is here. The air conditioning kicks in, the days are hotter ... and, if you're like me, "focus" becomes something I have to set myself towards. It doesn't just "happen" -- especially when the days are hot. It...

The Important Details of Mortgage Forbearance For Cleveland Taxpayers

Here we are, just out of perhaps the oddest Memorial Day weekend in memory.The summer is here! But it feels like much of our country is still mired in winter. And that feels like it is still the case, no matter the hints of progress against this virus, and no matter...

Debunking Estate Plan Myths For Cleveland Taxpayers

On Friday, the IRS began accepting tax returns and people like me all around the country started buckling up for what is already quite a ride.  With new PPP loans for Cleveland small business owners, credits aplenty in all of the variety of stimulus bills,...

Cleveland Taxpayers It’s Time To Deal With Your 2020 Tax Return

We can't electronically submit tax returns to the IRS until Friday, February 12. Nobody can.But that doesn't mean we can't help you get started. In fact, we're already in process with a few Cleveland clients, and more and more are contacting us every day. If you...

Cultivating Gratitude for Thanksgiving 2020 in Cleveland

I think we all need this week.2020 has been *so hard*, for so many in Cleveland (and far beyond!). And it's not over yet -- from continued electoral fighting, to spikes in virus cases and increased governmental restrictions all over the place, and (of course) the...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.
But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!

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