Categories: BlogTaxInfo

The Joys Of Providing Professional Tax Services To Cleveland

Well, our primary work for this tax season in Cleveland has just about wrapped up.

But notice I said “primary”, there … you see, unlike some professional tax services in Cleveland, we make it a point to do a bit more than simply “fill out forms” on your behalf. I’ll tell you more about that in a moment.

Yes, today is an extremely busy day for us here at Hinckley Tax Service — it’s the day before the big deadline, as I type this up (Tax Day = Tuesday, April 17th, 2018). But I’m still taking the time to write to you, simply because I want to make sure you heard this from me (though you are likely to be actually receiving it later in the week, especially depending on how this day goes) …

The loudest thing I want communicated from me in this note is this: THANK YOU for your trust.

It is no small matter for anyone to place their financial life in front of another, and I know that for some, it can bring with it some anxiety or discomfort. That’s why we work so hard to be people in Cleveland that you can trust for even more than just a simple “filling out some forms” service.

It’s why I make it a point to send these notes every week (even when we are slammed with work), and it’s why we work so hard to stay up-to-date on all of the latest tax code updates and regulatory changes that come like clockwork, every year.

Oh, and this coming year, 2018, is going to be fun. Lots of new opportunities for savings ahead.

We take your trust seriously. To our Cleveland clients, THANK YOU for it. To those in Cleveland who are not clients of ours yet, we look forward to earning your trust in 2018.

But this work also brings with it a certain joy — because this past season, we got to see remarkable lives of generosity, love and integrity laid out before us with regularity. For some, this was reflected by their financial statements — and for others, this was displayed by the warmth, kindness and delight by which you communicated with us during this process.

This much is clear: No matter the state of your financial life, nobody (not the IRS, not anyone) can take from you the strength derived from a life lived with gratitude and joy.

Our Cleveland clients have reminded us of that once again, this year. What a privilege it has been to serve so many of you in Cleveland this tax “season” … and we look forward to years of service to come.

Lastly, and as I mentioned above … we’re not letting up. We’re committing the “offseason” to continue our education in the new tax laws (the IRS still has not issued full guidance on much of it), and related to more ways to save you on your bottom line, and to serving you and your Cleveland family in ways well beyond simple tax preparation. Ask us about how we can help you be better prepared for next year, and you may really like what we can do for your family’s bottom line.


Rich Rhodes
(330) 225-3928

Hinckley Tax Service

Rich Rhodes, EA

Published by
Rich Rhodes, EA

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