I hope you’re hanging in there. We’re LOCKED in, helping our Cleveland clients, and I have a bunch of things to share with you today, based on recent activity.I will say that, between helping clients, and the astonishing rapidity of change, I’m not...
I normally write you a weekly strategy note (or so), but these are NOT normal times, are they?And before I get into what’s happening with the IRS deadline — to separate some of the rumors from the reality — I first want to check with you:How are you...
Hello, my friend. The world has shifted under our feet.With the barrage of media, medical, and economic news flying at us, I want to stay in my lane today.You don’t need more medical advice, you don’t need tips on working from home (at least today —...
As COVID-19 snakes its way through the world, what’s becoming clear to me is that … well, not much is clear.From death rates (relying upon shaky data from totalitarian regimes), to spread rates, to proper precautions — you can find an article from a...
Yep, here we are in March, and that means that it’s GO TIME for taxes. If it takes you a couple weeks to pull things together, and get organized … well, now is a very good time to start the process.We’re here for you with any questions: (330)...