I have to apologize to all of my Cleveland clients for the sheer volume of tax-centric writing I’ve been doing the last few weeks and months.Normally, I like to write on other topics (in addition to the tax-related stuff) … but I cannot emphasize enough...
Last week marked the one year anniversary of the CARES Act (stimulus round 1). This was such a monstrous piece of legislation, it’s still being unraveled. It made “Obamacare” (ACA) and the “Trump Tax Cuts” (TCJA) seem like junior league...
With a third round of “stimmy” (as the kids say) hitting bank accounts for the past week, 90MM+ Americans (including some of us in Cleveland) are once again flush with cash. It remains to be seen what this will do for the economy, but combined with what...
Events are happening fast in tax world, and we are VERY busy here at Hinckley Tax Service. But this is a good thing — we’ve been preparing for this season all year, and we love to serve.We knew that there would be unexpected curve balls this year, but...
Despite what you might think, being a tax accountant is NEVER boring.We have all kinds of fun amusements that keep us going.We play little games like: “Guess The New Tax Law That Will Change Returns That Have Already Been Filed” — catchy title, I...