I think we all need this week.2020 has been *so hard*, for so many in Cleveland (and far beyond!). And it’s not over yet — from continued electoral fighting, to spikes in virus cases and increased governmental restrictions all over the place, and (of...
Believe it or not, we’re very busy around here.While the nation’s eyes are fixated on political things, we’re spending our days working hard on behalf of our clients right here in Cleveland (and beyond, of course), talking through tax-advantaged...
A few timely things to get to, before I offer you my thoughts on a good task for you to do this week…First of all, the IRS has apparently caught up on processing their backlogged mail that stacked up during COVID closures. Or, well enough, they say.That means...
Tax Pro World is abuzz about the increase of the Social Security wage base standard.Well, I should clarify — most of Tax Pro World is taking naps this week and not really thinking much about taxes whatsoever, ha! After all, that was one of the most epically...
First some important reminders for all Cleveland taxpayers, then I have a bunch of questions to which I’d like you to respond…Depending on when you read this, the October 15th tax return extension deadline (for families and individuals) is either VERY...