Hinckley Tax Service’s thoughts on Healthy Skepticism in light of the 2020 Election
Believe it or not, we're very busy around here.While the nation's eyes are fixated on political things, we're spending our days working hard on behalf of our clients right here in Cleveland (and beyond, of course), talking through tax-advantaged financial moves,...
Effective Financial Documentation Strategies for Cleveland Taxpayers
A few timely things to get to, before I offer you my thoughts on a good task for you to do this week...First of all, the IRS has apparently caught up on processing their backlogged mail that stacked up during COVID closures. Or, well enough, they say.That means that...
Save On Your Taxes With Rich Rhodes’s Nine Tax Planning Questions
Tax Pro World is abuzz about the increase of the Social Security wage base standard.Well, I should clarify -- most of Tax Pro World is taking naps this week and not really thinking much about taxes whatsoever, ha! After all, that was one of the most epically intensive...
Nine Crucial Questions To Prepare Cleveland Taxpayers For Their 2020 Taxes
First some important reminders for all Cleveland taxpayers, then I have a bunch of questions to which I'd like you to respond...Depending on when you read this, the October 15th tax return extension deadline (for families and individuals) is either VERY close, or just...
Tax and Financial Planning for Multi-Generational Caretaking for Cleveland Families
Say it with me: four more weeks. Four more weeks until this crazy election cycle is behind us and we can all return to normal here in Cleveland.Except, well, if it isn't. With the way that 2020 has been going, we might as well emotionally prepare for that eventuality...
Trump’s Tax Returns Are Not The Real Story by Rich Rhodes
Like many things political, one of the best ways to look at the tempest of the day is analytical bemusement. This is (always) especially true when it comes to tax issues.And I might have a take today that could surprise you. I am not interested in getting into...
Time To Dream With Your Friendly Cleveland Tax Professional
With the passing of Justice Ginsburg 45 days before the election, we have officially entered the political crazy season.This -- on top of so much conflict surrounding public health measures. It is also in addition to all of the conversation around racial pain, the...
What Cleveland Landlords And Tenants Should Know About The CDC Eviction Stay
Floating under the radar during so much NOISE the past couple weeks ... the CDC announced a halt to evictions for renters, and that starts THIS WEEK.I have some guidance today for you about what that means (and what it doesn't), but a couple other things first, before...
Labor Tax Updates By Rich Rhodes
Everything about this year since March has just felt a little ... off. And I mean aside from all of the cultural and political turmoil we're living through.The seasonality of everything feels different too. Pro sports are out of sync, "back to school" season surely...
How Cleveland Taxpayers Can Lower Their 2020 Tax Bill
Finally, the IRS issued guidance on Friday evening about payroll tax deferrals.And, as we've been communicating ... this may not be a very helpful program for most Cleveland taxpayers. In fact, it's actually up to employers (not employees) whether or not to withhold...
Controlling Your Tax And Financial Strategy In The Midst Of Chaos By Rich Rhodes
Still no guidance from the IRS about the payroll tax "holiday" (deferral), so it's extremely unlikely that your Cleveland employer will be ready -- simply because the major payroll companies (Paychex, ADP, Gusto, and many others) don't have the answers to many...
How To Ensure Cleveland Families Are Prepared For Chaos
Summer is nearing an end, but this has been no ordinary summer.Everywhere, parents are scrambling in the most unusual "back to school" season in memory. Fall sports are in limbo, and others (MLB, NHL, NBA) are operating in a weird Twilight Zone mode. Urban centers are...